
Our devotion to God should supersede any relationship we have on Earth. We will discuss David’s loyalty to God, his continued dependence on God, and his integrity.

Message from Marsh: “Blessings on each man who will seriously consider the state of his heart, the level of his dependence on God, and his own integrity”



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Lesson 6 – Devotion to God

( – “Original Study”)

PRAY: A suggested opening prayer for small group members or individuals to invite God to connect as we seek Him in his Word. Feel free to add your own words, “in prayer.”

God, we know that there are serious issues to talk about when we consider our relationship to you. Help us to acknowledge our dependence on you and make it a heart issue every day.


1. How do you view your relationship with God?

2. How has that relationship helped you?


God speaking to Saul said, But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man [David] after his own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). Later, in retrospect to Solomon’s life, the writer of Kings said, As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been (1 Kings 11:4). The book of Kings also reveals that Jeroboam’s wife went to the prophet Ahijah and he gave her a message for King Jeroboam, …You have not been like my servant David, who kept my commands and followed me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes (1 Kings 14:8).


We have looked at the morality of David in a previous lesson, so the question is, how can God view David as loyal to Him when there was sin in his life? God was forgiving and had all the time an inside view of David’s heart. Three features of his heart revealed his inner life.

First, David was a humble person. Having been anointed by Samuel while being the last and youngest of his father’s children, David was called by God, but not yet chosen by Israel, to be their king. He was a teenager when anointed but did not become king until he was thirty years old. However, he knew this is what God wanted for him. He waited patiently, finding victory before him in small ways, like killing a bear and a lion that were menacing the sheep. He considered God as the one protecting him and defeating forces that came against him.

All of this was the result of an inner heart that was submitted to God. Humility is not something you can fake. Ego shows up without you being aware. Humility only happens when you are constantly aware of your frail humanity and in awe of God’s divinity and all that that implies.

Second, David’s spirituality. He knew that the Holy Spirit was upon him from the point of his anointing. At one point, after the Bathsheba and Uriah incident, David asked that the Spirit not be taken from him (Psalm 51:1-15). He recognized that his attention to confession and repentance was essential to help him and that it would also help others around him.

He also knew that he had to depend on God even when he faced insurmountable odds. During his confrontation with the giant Goliath, he declared that he came against him in the name of the Lord Almighty (1 Samuel 17:45). In another instance David heard that the Philistines were stealing grain from the stores at Keilah. He inquired of the Lord if he should battle them. He was assured that it was God’s will to do that (1 Samuel 23:2-4). David inquired of the Lord often.

David also had to deal with disappointment spiritually. God told him that he could not build the Temple, which was a deep desire of his, because of the blood on his hands from war. David didn’t respond negatively to this, instead he expressed his confidence in God and sacrificed praise to Him (2 Samuel 7:5-29).

In our lives when we become a believer, the Holy Spirit comes into our heart and begins His work of conforming us to the image of Christ. He will never leave us nor forsake us, so we can have the confidence to live life on God’s terms, not ours. David’s dependence on Him in living a life inside His will was important. We must place everything on the altar and believe that He will always do what is necessary for us to grow in our faith.

Third, David had integrity. He respected King Saul’s authority even though he tried to kill David on several occasions (1 Samuel 24 & 26). He kept his word to Jonathan concerning caring for his family after he died. No one was around when David and Jonathan pledged their lives to each other. So, when Jonathan died, he could have decided not to ignore that pledge, but he held to his promise (1 Samuel 20:14-15). It was fulfilled in 2 Samuel 21:5-7.

David’s humility, spirituality, and integrity were essential elements of his life as they should be ours. Hanani, a seer, confronted King Asa with the reality of his trust in men rather than God. In that discussion he said, The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9).

This is where we should be and God has provided the following resources to aid in our fully committed state:

  • The indwelling of the Holy Spirit

  • A new nature provided for us at our salvation

  • Giftings of the Spirit to help the church fulfill its mission

  • Spiritual illumination of the words written in the Bible

  • Christian friends to help us carry burdens

  • Christian leadership (pastors, elders, and deacons) to keep us focused

God has not left us, neither has He required us to do something that is impossible. He is there for us. He has prepared the way. Consider your level of devotion to Him.


1. What is David’s example to you?

2. What struck you about God’s loyalty here?

3. What are your thoughts concerning a committed life?


1. Thinking about your humility, spirituality, and integrity, which one is hardest for you to embrace?

2. What is one step that you could take to enhance the level of each of the three?

3. How do you assess the gifts to you from God that can help in your Christian life?


God, our humility, spirituality, and integrity are assaulted every day, but you have given us many helps to remain devoted to you. Guide us to wholehearted commitment that strengthens us to persevere through the trials and joys of our life.

Suggested Additional Resources:

Knowing more about the three persons of the Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, can lead you to more commitment. Seek out studies that focus on each one.


This concludes our “Critical Issues for Men” extended study.


All our Blessings,
Men’s Group Foundation, Inc.
A “Third Party Original Study”

Written by Richard Matteson

Use these links to navigate to various parts of this study:

Intro | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6

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